AI Progress: A Double-Edged Sword

Hugging Face CEO Clément Delangue recently expressed concern over the increasingly closed and commercial nature of AI research and development. In a poignant statement, Delangue lamented that AI is less open, collaborative, and science-driven than it was just a few years ago.

This shift towards closed AI models and research has significant implications for the field’s progress. By limiting access to cutting-edge models and knowledge, they risk hindering innovation and slowing down the development of beneficial AI applications.

It is crucial to foster a more open and collaborative environment where researchers can freely share their findings and work together to address the challenges and opportunities presented by AI. Only by embracing openness and collaboration can they truly harness the full potential of this powerful technology.

Sources: IT Professionals Network, Internet Archive, Undercode Ai & Community, Wikipedia, Huggingface
Image Source: OpenAI, Undercode AI DI v2Featured Image