Elon Musk Delays Tesla AI Day Event Due to Medical Emergency

October 11, 2024

Tesla’s highly anticipated AI Day event, scheduled for October 10th, was temporarily halted due to a medical emergency involving a member of the audience. The incident occurred just as the live stream was about to begin.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, took to Twitter to inform viewers about the situation, assuring that the affected individual was receiving immediate medical attention. The event was subsequently resumed after a brief delay.

Despite the unexpected interruption, excitement surrounding Tesla’s AI Day remains high. The event is expected to showcase the company’s latest advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics, with particular focus on its Optimus humanoid robot.

Stay tuned for updates on the continuation of Tesla AI Day and the unveiling of groundbreaking technologies.

Sources: Wikipedia, Internet Archive, Smart Devices Exchange, tesla, Undercode Ai & Community
Image Source: Undercode AI DI v2, OpenAIFeatured Image