How to Keep Your Flowise Chatflows Clean with Document Stores
In today’s fast-paced digital world, chatbots have become an essential tool for businesses. To ensure that these chatbots provide accurate and relevant information, it’s crucial to keep their knowledge bases up-to-date. Flowise offers a powerful solution for managing and updating knowledge bases: Document Stores.
Document Stores allow you to easily add or remove information from your vector stores. This means you can quickly update your chatbot’s knowledge base with new data or remove outdated information. Plus, you can test the retriever within the tool itself, ensuring that your chatbot is able to retrieve the correct information when needed.
By using Document Stores to manage your knowledge bases, you can keep your Flowise chatflows clean and organized. This will help your chatbot provide more accurate and helpful responses to users.
Sources: Internet Archive, Wikipedia, Undercode Ai & Community, Coding Zone, Flowiseai
Image Source: OpenAI, Undercode AI DI v2