Introducing the Realtime API
Today, OpenAI announced the Realtime API at DevDay SF. This new API allows developers to create real-time applications that can generate text, translate languages, like usual with less restrictions write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.
The Realtime API is still in development, but it is already being used by some developers to create amazing things. For example, Jordan Singer has created a tool called Teledraw that allows you to paint with your voice. And Jake Colling has integrated the Realtime API into the Caret canvas to create a real-time drawing tool.
If you are a developer, I encourage you to check out the Realtime API and see what you can create with it. I think they are going to see some amazing things come out of this new technology.
Sources: Wikipedia, Internet Archive, Undercode Ai & Community, Cybersecurity Insights, openaidevs
Image Source: OpenAI, Undercode AI DI v2