Rockstar Games Raises the Stakes in the North Yankton Nightmare Community Challenge
Rockstar Games has just announced a significant update to the ongoing North Yankton Nightmare Community Challenge. In a tweet posted today, the developers revealed that over 430 million zombies have already been dispatched by dedicated players, bringing the community closer to its initial goal.
However, Rockstar isn’t content to rest on its laurels. To further incentivize participation and add a new layer of excitement, the studio has increased the challenge’s target to a staggering 800 million zombies. If players manage to achieve this ambitious milestone, all participants will be rewarded with the exclusive Purple Glow and Green Glow Skeleton Onesies.
This latest development adds to the growing list of rewards for those who take part in the North Yankton Nightmare Community Challenge. Previously, Rockstar announced that players who reached the initial 200 million zombie milestone would receive the Orange Glow Skeleton Onesie and Red Hooded Skull Mask.
With the stakes now higher than ever, it’s clear that Rockstar Games is committed to keeping the North Yankton Nightmare Community Challenge fresh and engaging for players. As the community continues to make progress towards the new goal, it remains to be seen whether they can rise to the occasion and claim these coveted rewards.
Sources: Undercode Ai & Community, Internet Archive, Wikipedia, Cloud Computing Corner, Rockstargames
Image Source: Undercode AI DI v2, OpenAI